
This web­site uses cook­ies. “Cook­ies” are small text files that are stored on your com­puter or mo­bile de­vice when you visit a
web­site. They al­low the web­site to recog­nise your de­vice and re­mem­ber if you have been to the web­site be­fore. Cook­ies are a very com­mon web tech­nol­ogy – most web­sites use cook­ies and have done for years. Cook­ies are widely used in or­der to make web­sites work more ef­fi­ciently, as well as to pro­videin­for­ma­tion to the own­ers of web­sites.
This web­site uses the fol­low­ing type of cook­ies:

a) Google An­a­lyt­ics Cook­ies

Google An­a­lyt­ics is a web analy­sis ser­vice of­fered by Google Inc, 1600 Am­phithe­atre Park­way, Moun­tain View, CA 94043, USA. Google An­a­lyt­ics uses cook­ies that are saved on the user’s com­puter and al­low analy­sis of the user’s brows­ing be­hav­iour on the web­site. This in­cludes the fol­low­ing cook­ies

Cookie Name Ex­pi­ra­tion Time De­scrip­tion
_ga 2 years Used to dis­tin­guish users
_gid 24 hours Used to dis­tin­guish users
_gat 1 minute Used to throt­tle re­quest rate

Google An­a­lyt­ics col­lects first-party cook­ies, data re­lated to the de­vice/​browser, IP ad­dress (al­low­ing ge­olo­ca­tion) and on-site/​app ac­tiv­i­ties to mea­sure and re­port sta­tis­tics about user in­ter­ac­tions on the web­site. Google Inc, may use this data in com­bi­na­tion with other in­for­ma­tion that you have pro­vided to them or that they have col­lected from your use of their ser­vices. You may find fur­ther in­for­ma­tion about data use by Google Inc, at sup­​an­a­lyt­ics/​an­swer/​6004245.

The in­for­ma­tion col­lected by these cook­ies is trans­ferred to and saved on Google In­c’s server in the USA. The USA are a third coun­try with­out an ad­e­quate level of data pro­tec­tion com­pa­ra­ble to the laws in the EU/​EEA.

The use of Google An­a­lyt­ics and pro­cess­ing of your data is based on your con­sent (Art 6 Para 1 lit a) GDPR), given through the cookie ban­ner on the web­site. If you have given your con­sent for the use of these cook­ies, you may with­draw your con­sent at any time, eg., by delet­ing the cook­ies (please con­sult the Help sec­tion of your re­spec­tive browser for in­struc­tions) or by us­ing plu­g­ins that pre­vent the use of the cook­ies (for in­struc­tions see​dl­page/​gaoptout;

b)    Cookie Con­sent Tracker

This cookie is placed on your com­puter by the web­site to track whether you have ac­cepted or re­jected other cook­ies, and col­lects this in­for­ma­tion as well as the in­for­ma­tion nec­es­sary to uniquely iden­tify your browser. This cookie is tech­ni­cally nec­es­sary for the use of the web­site and its use is based on our le­git­i­mate in­ter­ests to man­age cookie con­sents of our users (Art 6 Para 1 lit f) GDPR). This cookie is saved on your sys­tem in­def­i­nitely or un­til man­u­ally deleted.

For fur­ther, gen­eral in­for­ma­tion on how we process your per­sonal data through our web­site, please see our Pri­vacy Pol­icy.